Why my 2020 Resolutions Should be Your New Years Resolutions

Hey everyone I'm going to give you some decent advice for New Year’s resolutions and what to expect from my channel in 2020. If you didn't make any resolutions then I can't hang with you. I'm serious. Everyone needs to look to improve in one way or another. 

First, instead of giving up a vice. Why not take something up. Set some realistic goals. Mine are going to be a little different this year. I'm going to be more assertive what I want in a relationship from the very beginning.

I make no illusions I'm single, but I'm very ready for a committed relationship with the right person and I'm going to be much more direct as I don't want to waste anyone’s time. Especially my own. 

Now, here are my professional tips for bloggers on what to do regards content marketing in 2020 and what to expect from me in the New Year. 


I'll be focusing heavily on Video Content in 2020. My YouTube spent a lot of time on the subs bench in 2019, but now you'll see an increase in the regularity and consistency of uploads.

I started the channel with style tutorials with the aim of helping men that wanted to up their style game but weren't sure where to start. 

I'll be focusing on more fashion 5 ways to wear videos as well as fragrance and grooming. 

Video content is bigger than its ever. It's also one of the biggest search engines in the world, it's owned by Google so make sense right? If you're not on YouTube then what the heck are you doing? It's so easy to do, you have a camera on your phone so just start shooting videos of yourself talking about whatever it is you're passionate about or have a skill in. It won't be perfect but you need to start now. 


More Videos on Instagram IGTV. Similar content to YouTube, without talking, videos with music and visually appealing. 

Instagram is incredibly saturated these days with influencers and this is a trick I'm using to distinguish myself more. Just because you might be seeing a drop in traction on your Instagram account doesn't mean you should stop altogether. 

Loads of people still use it and it's a great way to establish relationships and communities. Some of my best friends I have I've met through the Instagram community. 

Again video is being heavily promoted by Facebook right now. Go live whenever you can. Don't be afraid, it's not the end of the world if you screw things up. Just start publishing more video and think how you can deliver different content that no one has seen before. 


I've joined TikTok. I'm still not sure what I'm really doing on here as it just seems like loads of dance routines and trust me you don't want me doing those!

The Wall Street Journal said TikTok is the third most installed app worldwide. It has 1.2 billion monthly users globally.

For more research I'd suggest you check out Neil Patel's video on why TikTok is going to be a big player in 2020. You can watch that Vlog here.

Neil says 'The trend has been showing that it is growing. So if your competitive advantage is to be the first mover, then I would recommend that you go in there and you start taking advantage.

because typically when you get in there early, it's much easier to gain traction, get those followers, get more traffic, and leverage that audience. And you can do it for pennies on the dollar.' - Neil Patel, Digital Marketer. 


Dion Dreyes. My new unisex jewellery brand will be launching soon. I want you to all help me build the brand and support one of the charities that is close to my heart, (mental health) by following Dion Dreyes on Instagram.

10% of any profits will go to a Mental Health charity.

I've been working tirelessly behind the scenes with my design team and building the e-commerce site etc and I can't wait to tell you more about this in the upcoming months. 

So why don't you start a brand? There is plenty of room for everyone. Even if it's an E-Book you can write, or a book you can self-publish on Lulu. Or starting a podcast, or designing your own products. There are plenty of platforms like TeeSpring, or Fine Art America you can sell merchandise and products through. 

If you want to start a blog then why not hit me up and I'll give you as much advice as I can and then put you onto a couple of friends I have in the trade that will get you started and offer you support along the way. 

All the best for 2020 people, let’s make it a good one and lets start immediately. 


Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.