How to Create Images Using AI: A Comprehensive Guide to ChatGPT, Photorealistic, and Midjourney

In today's digital age, the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI is revolutionising various industries. One such domain that has seen significant advancements is the realm of digital imagery. With tools like ChatGPT, Photorealistic, and Midjourney, creating stunning images using AI has never been easier. In this guide, we'll delve deep into how you can harness the power of these tools to craft your own AI-generated masterpieces.

1. Understanding the Basics

a. What is AI in Image Creation? AI in image creation refers to the use of machine learning algorithms and neural networks to generate or modify images. These algorithms are trained on vast datasets, allowing them to produce images that are often indistinguishable from those taken by a camera.

b. Why Use AI for Image Creation?

  • Efficiency: AI can generate images in seconds, saving time and resources.

  • Customisation: AI tools offer a plethora of customisation options, allowing for unique creations.

  • Cost-effective: Reduces the need for expensive photoshoots or graphic designers.

2. Dive into the Tools

a. ChatGPT by OpenAI: ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. While primarily known for its text generation capabilities, when paired with plugins like Photorealistic, it can assist in generating image prompts or even guide users through the image creation process.

b. Photorealistic: Photorealistic is a plugin designed to generate prompts for the Midjourney image creation tool. It bridges the gap between textual descriptions and visual outputs, allowing users to describe their desired image and receive a prompt that can be fed into Midjourney.

c. Midjourney: Midjourney is an advanced image creation tool that uses AI to generate photorealistic images based on prompts. By inputting the prompts generated by Photorealistic, users can obtain stunning visuals tailored to their specifications.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Images with AI

1. Start with ChatGPT: Begin by describing the image you want to create. For instance to create the above image I used this prompt:

“Use the photorealistic app to create midjourney prompts to create a series of images, a mixture of landscape and portrait. Some far away images, gradually getting closer to the car for the close-ups shots The scene is on the busy streets of London in 1960s. Shot on a camera from that era to appear more realistic. I want the series of photos to focus on a fashionable mixed race man driving an Aston Martin DB5. Also 1960s mens formal fashion. The photos need to be dramatic and captivating.”

2. Use Photorealistic: Feed this description into the Photorealistic plugin. It will generate a detailed prompt suitable for Midjourney. The response from Photorealistic, which took my basic description and turned it into this prompt to input into Midjourney:

“The mixed-race driver stepping out of the Aston Martin DB5, showcasing his 1960s formal fashion, including a sharp suit, tie, and hat. Medium: 1960s Photographic Film. Style: Vogue-esque, dramatic. Lighting: Soft, directional light highlighting the man's features. Colors: Rich greys and blacks of the suit, complemented by the car's classic silver. Composition: Captured on a 1960s Leica M3, 85mm lens, f/4, ISO 125, shutter speed 1/125. --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750”

3. Input into Midjourney: Take the generated prompt and input it into Midjourney. In moments, you'll have a photorealistic image of your described scene. You will need to type in /imagine then press enter on your keyboard. Then when prompted paste in the prompt created by Photorealistic.

4. Customise & Refine: If the image isn't perfect, you can refine your description and repeat the process until you achieve the desired result.

4. Tips for Optimized Results

  • Be Specific: The more detailed your description, the more accurate the generated image will be.

  • Experiment: Don't hesitate to try different descriptions or prompts to see varied results.

  • Stay Updated: AI tools are constantly evolving. Ensure you're using the latest versions for the best results.


The fusion of ChatGPT, Photorealistic, and Midjourney offers a seamless and efficient way to create images using AI. Whether you're a blogger, designer, or just someone looking to experiment, these tools open up a world of possibilities. Dive in and unleash your creativity!

Keywords: AI, image creation, ChatGPT, Photorealistic, Midjourney, digital imagery, machine learning, neural networks, photorealistic images.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.