Reasons To Backup Your Blog Site Data

Blog owners have enjoyed enormous success. Web users love heading online, reading think pieces on their favourite pastimes, or even heeding wise lifestyle tips.

Moreover, the pandemic also accelerated the popularity of blogs, with more people utilising their digital devices out of boredom or even researching new home-oriented hobbies. The online world is now a permanent fixture in many people’s lives, and checking up on blog posts can be part of a person’s daily routine.

If you’re the creator of a blog, you can have just as much fun as your readers too. However, there are responsibilities you need to think about if you hope to run a smooth and efficient site. Such is particularly the case when it comes to safeguarding the data around your blog.

You must backup your blog site data, and here’s why.

Facilitating Site Migration

You may move your blog to a different URL, content management system, or server one day. There are many reasons for this, including having access to better analytical tools and bolstering your ROI. WordPress is a popular content management system for bloggers. However, in 2017, a widespread hack caused 1.5 million blog pages to be defaced mercilessly. While WordPress’ reputation seems to have survived the situation, it’s moments like those that can make bloggers rethink where they belong.

Despite moving to a new domain, consistency is key during the migration of your blog. The overall feel needs to remain the same, from the words used in the copy to the image presentation. All of these things communicate the brand of your blog. They can also assure visitors post-migration that all is as it was before. Backing up your blog data is the best way to establish that sense of continuity. That way, you have a reference point for how things should look and feel, and it’s simply a case of transferring all that data to the new URL.

Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Easing Business Transition

Successful blogs soon become businesses. They generate revenue through ads, hire staff writers, and perform various entrepreneurial activities. Backup blog data becomes even more essential when your site becomes more commercial. After all, people can have a sense of invincibility online. As your blog grows, it can lure you into a false sense of security, especially if your posts become viral. Still, you must never let your guard down, so you must backup all your blog’s data at these crucial moments of mounting interest.

Try Datto SaaS Protection with a 14-day free trial to start. Reliably backup your Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 data with SaaS Protection. This third-party platform reduces data loss risk for organisations and ensures business continuity in the event of ransomware attacks and corrupted data. If employees sometimes accidentally delete data, they can help with that too. You should always work with professional third-party services if you’re running a blogging business. While you might think you can use free tools elsewhere, they’re often unreliable and unsuitable for commercial endeavours. If you want the best results possible for your blog, work with professional partners.

Keeping Permanent Records

The world of blogging is always changing. Trends come and go, and content requirements evolve too. You may have to delete old content eventually. Suppose you’ve written a better post about a topic years later, or the old article isn’t generating any traffic or is full of outdated terms or opinions. In that case, these are typically tell-tale signs that a piece of content needs to go.

That said, it’s still a good idea to have backups of these old writings. While others won’t see them, having a permanent record of how your blog started or even what errors you made can provide valuable lessons each time this old work is revised. Ultimately, sometimes you need to look behind before looking ahead.

Making Editing Easier

It’s always a good idea to have an original version of a blog tucked away somewhere as a backup, even after it has gone live. That way, you can feel much more comfortable should the need arise to make edits. There can be a lot of pressure when making edits. It’s possible to try too hard during this process, buckle under the stress, and edit something into oblivion, making it worse than the original version. Doubt can also fester on these occasions, and you can look at your work and decide it wasn’t worth it after all.

A backup of the original version can be a strong reference point for what you got right. It’s also a safety net in that you can start over and return to the original version if you’re unhappy with the edits.

Remember, people accidentally delete their files or save over them all the time. These situations can often arise if you have multiple versions of the same data and lose track of everything. Have one backup of your original blog post, and edit it without any fears of these common grievances occurring.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.