New Year Diet | Without Diet Coke

It's a New Year and we're going to be doing lots of dieting to help course correct that waistline. Many of us will give up the fizzy drinks and make the switch to less calorific sodas such as Diet Coke. 


Did all that Christmas Sherry turn you nuts? I've done some research on Diet Coke and here are some Ice Cold facts that you should be aware of. 

Aspartame is the main sweetener in diet coke, it changes the composition of the Microbiome which harvests the glucose from the lower intestine area and makes people come obese.

What is the Microbiome? 

Studies apparently are showing our gut biome literally controls everything we do. Who we find attractive, what we like and dislike, what we think smells good and so on and so forth. We're basically just vehicles for bacteria.

"People taking diet coke want to lose weight, they are looking to cut out refined sugar. It's ironic that these sweeteners are making them more obese. One can a day can change your Microbiome." Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Joe Rogan - The Truth About Diet Coke


We need to talk about insulin and fast. Artificial Sweeteners triggers insulin sending body into fat storage mode causing weight gain. 

Some research studies have concluded that Diet Coke can lead to numerous health issues.

God I'm never going near the stuff again. How about this one. 43% of people that drink Diet Coke regularly are more likely to suffer from a stroke or other vascular event.

What happens in Fat Storage Mode?

There is no nutritional value in Diet Coke. Although your body has been tricked into thinking that it is receiving sugar. Therefore sugar cravings are amplified and you actively seek sugar, maybe another Diet Coke. Maybe some candy. Yep, sounds familiar. Maybe that's why Trump drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke a day. 

What's the REAL healthy alternative? 

Try this as a tasty alternative.

  • Mineral Water

  • Raw Honey (1 Table Spoon) 

  • Lime Juice

Raw Honey contains all the good vitamins and natural sugar. So your body will register that sugar hit without triggering all the nasty receptors that will make you crave more. 


Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.