Effortless Casual Style: Nailing the Weekend Look

Effortless Casual Style: Nailing the Weekend Look

How can one look so effortless? Especially if you're like me that makes everything look effortFULL. On that note, I do wonder why we pander to the amazing effortless looks say of Brad Pitt or a Daniel Craig. Let's not forget people these celebrities have stylists. AND they're super good looking, it's not hard to look great when you're tall, well-proportioned and easy on the eye. The biggest challenge is finding your own casual style, on a budget maybe, starting from scratch. Here are some pointers.

1. Minimalistic Fashion: Choose simple, well-fitting clothes that don't appear overly coordinated. Neutral colours and timeless styles work well. The Scandinavians have been nailing this for the past 10 years or so. Acne Studios, Norse Projects etc. For closer to home casual brands like Sunspel, Grey Flannel or Universal Works offer non-logo garments in high quality. If you're on a budget my shirts are heavily discounted right now and make for perfect casual staples.

2. Grooming: Maintain good personal hygiene and grooming habits. Neat hair, clean nails, and well-kept skin contribute to an effortless appearance. Your hair shouldn't look like it took longer than five minutes to style. Don't shave any words into your beard or lines into your side parting.

3. Confidence: Confidence can make you appear effortless. Stand and move with self-assuredness, but without appearing arrogant. Also look at the way top actors walk on screen. I've always admired Pacino's walk, and De Niro also. Look at the films you admire, study the moves and styles of the ones that resonate most with you.

4. Relaxed Body Language: Avoid tense postures and gestures. Maintain relaxed, open body language. At the same time never put your feet on the bulkhead of an airplane. We're not savages.

5. Comfortable Yet Stylish Footwear: Choose footwear that's comfortable for your activities but also complements your outfit. Plenty of sneaker brands go for the minimalist look. My favourite right now is Unseen Footwear.

6. Accessorise Sparingly: Keep accessories simple and meaningful. A single statement piece can be more effective than piling on jewellery. Of course if you are going for something unique in the jewellery department don't forget to check out my own brand of silver and gold unisex accessories.

7. Time Management: Being punctual and organised can make you appear in control of your time and activities. There is nothing worse than looking out of breath when you arrive for a date or a meeting with friends. Running 5k to the rendezvous and turning up sweating through your new threads is kinda the opposite of effortless.

8. Simplicity in Speech: Speak clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary jargon or excessive details. Having an economy of words can really be a weapon. Less is more. Especially if you are involved in a discussion that you know nothing about. Pick your arguments.

9. Embrace Imperfections: Don't strive for perfection; embrace your quirks and imperfections. Authenticity can be effortless. Especially if you own white tees or shirts. They say it's the fate of glass to break. Same can be said for dress shirts, it's the fate for them to become decorated in spaghetti sauce if they get worn to the fancy pants restaurants enough times.

10. Oh by the way, nailing the weekend look means you have to wear something a little more exotic than the weekday look. Maybe you get the special jacket out, the leather one you bought in Florence that cost you a small fortune.

Remember, looking effortless is about feeling comfortable in your own skin and presenting yourself in a way that feels natural to you. It's not about pretending or trying too hard.

Cover Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash 

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.