The Small Details that make Big Differences | Men's Style Advice

I often hear that men would like to dress better “if they had more money”. I won’t lie to you; an unlimited budget would give you access to some seriously nice clothes. You could shop with the best tailors on Savile Row or fly to Naples for fittings on bespoke suits, and have your own lust for handmade shoes. For a small investment, you could even employ me to manage your wardrobe and help you pick out the nicest clothes.

I would also share with you the names of the best tie and sock makers but I know that most do not have that kind of disposable income. So I will share something for free: You can dress better without spending a lot of money as long as you have a little time and don’t mind making an effort. Working in luxury menswear has given me access to some nice clothing but I have also learnt that it is how you wear something is as important as what you wear.

I am planning to write a series of tutorials for Carl to help you dress better where the maximum expenditure is £100. I know £100 is a lot of money when you have nothing, so some of my tips will be cost you no more than your time. Some will focus on getting more out of what you already own and certainly on making clothes last longer. Tips on caring for as well as wearing clothes. One of my pet hates is seeing a man wear a rucksack with a tailored jacket. The pressure of the shoulder strap kills the shoulderline of the jacket and will ruin the shape. It also pulls the jacket away from the neck and looks clumsy. If you need it for your laptop or gym kit, at least carry it by your side. Your fellow commuters will appreciate it too.

Of course, my advice will be traditional with a bias towards classic style but it is certainly a more economical way of dressing. I found my personal style in my late teens and still wear items that are twenty years old. I rarely discard clothing because it is “out of fashion” and you should find your own style too. This will, sometimes, mean ignoring trends. But a well cared for tailored jacket that fits and is in a good cloth will always look good. That is not to say I am anti-fashion, I adore fashion but there is a difference between classic style and dressing the same for twenty years.

There has been a significant move to a more casual way of dressing for business and formal occasions and most of my tips will be relevant for casual dressing too.

Stay tuned for more information.

And if you happen to have a lot of cash burning a hole in your pocket and need some personal sartorial advice…please get in touch.

Christopher Modoo is the "Urbane Outfitter". With over 25 years experience in men's fashion he is an expert on style and etiquette.

Having worked in all aspects of menswear from shop floor to senior creative, Christopher is now a freelance stylist and is working on launching his own label. As well as fashion, Christopher is a keen fan of the cinema and enjoys travel. He is married and lives in Hampton Court.